DIY (espadrilles) + outfit post / Ukrašavanje espandrila i odjevna kombinacija has been a long day. I had to get up early to catch a ride to Split. During the day a number of odd things happened such as having to walk barefoot from the beach because my shoes fell apart (fortunately my home in Split is near the beach) and accidentally locking myself in the bathroom. Anyhow, this is what I wore the day before yesterday for a walk with my dog near my home in Mostar. I really like midi skirts, this one is vintage and the smurfs tee ( bought at kids department) I just think is cute... I hope you like my DIY, it's pretty simple and I think it had made these espadrilles a bit more interesting. Sure, they're not real espadrilles (the real ones are made in a specific way)...yet I like the ones that are inspired by this popular and once only peasant footwear. Jučer bijaše čudan dan. Hodati po užarenom asfaltu jer su mi japanke pukle bilo je zanimljivo, iako i bolno srećom plaža mi nije daleko od stana...a ...