Hello readers and fellow bloggers! How are you doing? Today I will show you forty- five ways to style a plastic yellow bag. I told you I wear this bag often enough for it to be considered a sustainable piece in my wardrobe. However, telling is one thing and showing it is another. So, this evening I have spent more than 2 hours behind the screen of my laptop, going through old outfits published on my blog. Guess what? I managed to find 45 outfits with this yellow bag. I'm sure I could find a few more if I continued looking but I think three hours is more than enough time spent putting together a post, don't you? Not that I consider it lost time. Going through my old posts, I revived a lot of memories. Isn't it amazing that I have been blogging since 2012? That's almost a decade of continuous posting. I've had this yellow bag since 2014 so that's quite some time. I'm not sure what is the real number of times I have worn it because I don't document all of ...