a little bit of Christmas inspiration/ malo božične inspiracije

No, I haven't decorated the Christmas tree yet (you're looking at last year photos). However, I have made a lot of home made decorations this year. I do hope I will have the chance to show them to you soon. What about you? Are you feeling the holiday spirit or are you starting to feel nervous because all of the things on the "to do" list? I have to admit I'm starting to feel nervous which is a shame because really shouldn't holidays be there for us to relax? Ne, nisam još okitila bor (ovo su prošlogodišnje fotke.) No, napravila sam ove godine puno božičnih ukrasa i nadam se da ću imati priliku podijeliti ih sa vama. Jeste li se vi uživjeli u duh blagdana? Ili ste možda (kao ja) nervozni zbog svega što još morate napraviti? To je zapravo šteta, jer bi bladani trebali biti tu da se opustimo, a mi (žene pogotovo) previše se brinemo oko toga da sve bude savršeno.