Hello there, let me show you what I have worn today. My husband snapped these images during our coffee break at restaurant Romanca near Mostar (neither a sponsored link nor a collaboration, I'm a regular visitor) at around noon. I had my espresso standing up so I could enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful surrounds fully. It was a great little break. I have spent most of the day in stores (something I normally hate but sometimes can't be avoided), as we were hunting for a new steam cleaner (seems like a good investment considering you know what) and some other items we need for our home. We ave managed to find the steam cleaner and I tried it out today- it seems alright. The day was gloriously warm and sunny. I took a coat with me just in case, but it was so warn I left it in the car. This grey blazer was enough to keep me warm. The climate in Herzegovina is simply amazing. Sunny and warm days are abundant. Plus, this region is truly stunning. THE STORY OF MY LOOK - DIY NECKLAC...