Yesterday I tore myself away from the laptop to make a new fashion illustration. It's been a while since I made my last fashion illustration. I've been spending an insane amount of time behind the screen lately (who ever said blogging is easy, right?) working on new blog posts. At some point yesterday, I decided to get up, grab some watercolour pencils and paint a new fashion illustration. Friday Fashion Illustration is not the most regular feature on my blog, but this summer at least I can try to change that. While I was working on my new fashion illustration, I test drove watercolour pencils from Steadler brand (not sponsored). It's been ages since I last used watercolour pencils. I'll wait for a bit before I give this brand a detailed review, but for now I can say that I quite liked these pencil watercolours. So far so good, you might say. Steadler brand claims to be sustainable and sustainability is important to me. It is something that applies to every aspect ...