Hello, in this post I shall review Lady Chatterley's Lover. It used to be somewhat of a controversial book. Originally published in Italy almost a hundred years ago (in 1928), it had to wait for decades to be published in England. In fact, it wasn't until the 1960s, that the uncensured version of this novel wasn't published in English. When it was finally published as it was, it was put on a trial for obscenity in England! A trial it lost. Not surprisingly, if it is true that the prosecutor opening statement was: 'Is this a book you would want your wife or your servants to read?' Did somebody really think it was a good question to ask in the sixties? If you read it as a modern reader, you'll probably wonder what all the fuss was about. However, back in the day, this book caused quite a stir. A lot of fuss over nothing, really! It's a shame because it took away the attention from the novel itself. It really is a great novel in many ways. Perhaps you could ...