A little place to call my own (outfit post/ odjevna kombinacija)
Mostar. Twenty years later many buildings still bear scars of war. Some of them are decorated with graffiti. This building you can see behind me was painted during one street art festival. It used to be a bank, not that you can tell it now. While we were shooting, some tourists started following us around and they took photos at all the places we did. Not that I mind. The purpose of this blog should be to inspire somebody and that is the reason why I read other blogs, to get inspired. Still, it felt kind of funny being followed around. I felt like an unofficial tourist guide. Mostar. Dvadeset godina kasnije puno zgrada još nosi ožiljke rata. Neke od njih su ukrašene grafitima, ova koju vidite iza mene je ocrtana tijekom jednog uličnoga festivala. Nije vidljivo, ali to je nekada bila banka. Dok smo snimali, neki turisti su nas počeli slijediti i slikali se na mjestima gdje smo i mi. Nije da mi smeta. Tome bi ovaj blog i trebao služiti, da nadahne nekog za nešto,...