Fashion drawing of the day (purple and red) / Modni crtež dana (ljubičasta i crvena)

Purple and red together? Why not? Why not indeed? Life is full of surprises and that's the best thing about it. From those surprises, true love is the sweetest one. It is always unexpected, unpredictable and inifitely precious precisely because of that. Let's forget the modern cynicism. Can not two beings love one another? Yes they can and they will. That is the most wonderful thing. Cannot a weak man love an ugly woman?( The Book of Laughting and Forgiveness, Milan Kundera ) Can not a spoiled woman love a cruel man? (Wuthering Heights. Emily Bronte) Cannot the two most selfish people in history of literature and film love one another?( Gone with the wind, Margaret Mitchwell) Cannot a broken man love a tomcat? ( The Door into Summer, R. A. Heinein) Cannot a militant nihlist love an i...