Today I'm taking you with me to the magnificent fortress of Klis. I visited this fortress about a month ago. Overlooking Split city, this ancient fortress is rich in history. Throughout centuries, Klis fortress has been a guardian angel for Split city. This medieval fortress started its life as a stronghold for an ancient Ilyrian tribe Dalmatea. Its importance for Split city and Dalmatia region as a whole cannot be stressed enough. This fortress has protected us for many centuries, keeping us safe from many Ottoman invasions. One could go so far as to say that this fortress was crucial for the urban development of Split city. Scroll down to read and see more (I also made an effort to translate my post this time). HR Danas vas vodim sa sobom u veličanstvenu tvrđavu Klis. Ova drevna tvrđava s pogledom na grad Split bogata je poviješću. Tvrđava Klis je kroz stoljeća bila anđeo čuvar grada Splita. Ova je srednjovjekovna tvrđava započela svoj život kao uporište za drevno ilirsko ...