
Showing posts from December 7, 2014

Illustration of the day / Ilustracija dana

watercolour / akvarel Don't be overly proud! Your thoughts are not yours alone! They live in others We have all crossed the same paths in the darkness, we have all wandered equally in the sign of searching and all are equally admired. With everyone you share something and many of you are the same. And rememeber it has been so since the ancient times And we all repeat ourselves, even the great and the pure ones, like children that still don't know their names.*                                         Tin Ujević, excerpt from a poem Brotherhood of Faces in the Universe   *my translation Ne gordi se! Tvoje misli nisu samo tvoje! One u drugima žive Mi smo svi prešli iste putove u mraku, mi smo svi jednako lutali u znaku traženja, i svima jednako se dive. Sa svakim nešto dijeliš, i više vas ste isti. I pamti da je tako od prastarih vremena. I svi se ponavljamo, i ...