Fashion Illustrations of the way: Purple, Green and Blue ( Watercolours and Markers)

Happy Monday dear people! How are you? I hope you're doing well. Today I will share my new art with you with you, mainly my 3 new paintings/illustrations. The medium for all of them is markers and watercolour on paper. Basically, all of them are mixed media paintings/illustrations. They are a bit more artistic than the other fashion illustrations I've been working on lately, but that was kind of the point. At the moment, I like how they turned out, but who knows I might get very self-critical later so perhaps best to share them right now. These 3 paintings were created without a plan and without a reference of any kind, straight from my head to paper you might say. Improvised art can teach us a lot, I think. Besides making time for studying and learning about art, I also try to make time to just improvise and create art in a more spontaneous way. Using a reference can be a great way to improve our drawing skills, but I think that drawing without a reference is just ...