Summer Isn't Over Yet! My New Fashion Illustrations: Red Dresses For Summer Filled With Love!

Good morning lovely readers! Today post will be short and sweet because it's Friday and that means that weekend is ahead of us. I have prepared two new fashion illustrations to share with you today. In addition, I'll also show you some new design creations. I sometimes use my fashion illustration to design different items and things, I think fashion illustrations look particularly good as prints on clothes and bags. 

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These two pencils drawings are new! They capture the summer feeling, because if you ask me, summer isn't over yet. As you may know, I'm trying to get back into drawing fashion illustration. A few days ago, I published another Inspired by feature and today I'll show you two fashion drawings. I drew both of them with coloured pencils. Both of them are illustrations of red dresses. If you want to see more of my illustrations of red dresses, you can check out this post.  For reference, I used two of my own photographs, but I changed up the looks a bit. 

The making of 'Girl reading on the beach' drawing

If you scroll down, you'll see the making of process. I drew this fashion illustration quite quickly. I can tell you I really missed making art! I'm fond of drawing girls that read, possibly because I'm a book worm myself. I took inspiration from this look, but I changed the background. Perhaps I choose beach for a location because of the fact that I haven't had a single beach day this summer. But, there is still time! Summer isn't over yet, right guys? If nothing else, I can always enjoy the banks of Neretva river. Anyhow, the girl I illustrated is wearing a crayon red dress and an oversize hat. I feel like crayon red is such a big trend this year. Do you like wearing red?

Girl reading on the beach 

t-shirts available here

A Girl in a Red Dress Reading a Book on a Beach by IvanaKada
Bag available here

Red Midi Dress Fashion Illustration

The other illustration I drew was inspired by an outfit that I actually wore. Maybe you remember it, maybe not, but it's one of my fav looks this Summer (so far anyway)! I can't wait to wear this dress again. When you find a dress that you can't wait to wear again, you know that you have a keeper, right? What is better than ruffles, right? I even illustrate ruffles very often and let me tell you ruffles are not the easiest thing to draw. I don't mean they're incredibly hard, but it is one of those things you need to work on to get right. We'll speak more about it in future post. I'm thinking of writing a- How to improve your fashion illustrations post. What do you think about that?

What is interesting about this illustration is that I illustrated an outfit that features a tote bag with a print of my fashion illustration. So, basically I have drawn a fashion illustration that includes another fashion illustration of mine- but that one is printed on bag. Since I decided to make this illustration available for purchase in my Redbubble & Zazzle online shops, that means that I might order a t-shirt or a bag of my fashion illustration wearing my fashion illustration. It's kind of funny, isn't it?

available here

Fashion illustration print bag: available here/original drawing: available here
Red dress original drawing available here

Fashion illustration print bag: available here/original drawing: available here /  
Red dress fashion illustration, original drawing available here

t-shirts available here

When it comes to fashion illustrations, I'm always trying to improve my skills. I hope I'm finally getting somewhere. As I explained a few times, fashion illustration is a field that has always interested me. I mentioned a few days ago how I started a new  course. Rena  from Dressed With Soul guessed correctly that I have signed up for a sewing course. In fact,  I have started a fashion design and sewing course with one local fashion designer. I will let you know more in the future. Hopefully, this means that I will be able to turn some of my fashion designs and fashion illustration to life! Imagine how fabulous that would be! 

you can buy my art here

art available for purchase here

Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day!



  1. What a gorgeous illustration, Ivana!! It really caught my eye because I have a dress sorta like that and just recently wore it with a turquoise necklace. (
    You really are so talented!!

    1. A turquise necklace goes so well with this kind of dress, doesn't it?

  2. Thanks a lot :D

    your work is amazing :D loved it!!!

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  3. Excellent post (as always)!Thank you very much :)

  4. carina l'idea di inserire la borsa con la tua illustrazione nel tuo disegno, come sempre mi piace quello che crei e si vede la passione che ci metti!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  5. Wow you very talented is beautiful.

  6. Gorgeous drawings Ivana, I adore your talent. That red dress is incredible, definitely a keeper! xx

    Much Love,
    Elegant Duchess xx

  7. UAU!
    Parabéns, gostei muito do seu trabalho! Ficaram lindos os desenhos.

    Um beijo,

    My Pure Style x My Instagram x My Facebook 

  8. Davvero belle queste illustrazioni Ivana!
    Mi piace moltissimo soprattutto la prima, quella della ragazza che legge, trovo perfetto il contrasto tra il rosso del vestito e l'azzurro dello sfondo, richiamano estate e relax!
    bellissimo anche l'abito con le rose!
    Bravissima tesoro! :)

  9. Beautiful illustrations! The beach one looks perfect on the bag! :)

    I love that you're doing a sewing class too, how fun! I can't wait to see what you create from it.

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you! :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

  10. Beautiful drawings, dear! You are so talented!

  11. Wow! You definitely have a gift for illustrations! Beautiful! Have a great weekend


  12. I love all of your illustrations! You're so talented! Great post!

  13. I always admire your artistic prowess Ivana dear! You're making me miss summer even more! Good thing that I will be in a beach a day from now with my coworkers. And oh, a red dress is one of the perfect things one can have during summer <3
    I love that tote bag with your illustration a lot!

    love lots,

  14. Oh my! I'm excited for you to get your designs on clothing and accessories. That would be awesome. And congrats on signing up on a sewing course. That is an adventure! I had an aunt who used to be a tailor - She passed away a few years back, and I think to be able to sew clothes and tailor everything to fit a body is an art. We all have different sizes after all. I did go to a tailor a few months back for a fitting and boy, was I amazed by what a need and thread can do! He did everything using an old sewing machine and also manually by hand. I hope you are having fun learning there and never stop illustrating as you have the fire! :) xoxo


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