Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wallpaper (book recommendation/preporuka knjiga)

Today just one quick reading recommendation. The Yellow Wallpape r is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It was published in 1899 (as you can see on these photographs). Here is a link to a pdf version of this text. The author's right are expired, so feel free to pass it around- it is one of advantages of reading classics:). I do consider this short story to be a classic. It tells a story of a woman who is recovering from post natal depression and is confined to her room. It is considered to one of the earliest works of American feminist literature. In its time it was a very important and ground breaking work because it shed more light on mistreatment of depression in woman (and in many ways it is still relevant), but I think that even if we put all of that aside, it is still a great story. Even without its important historical context, the story is strong enough to stand on its own. In reality, it is a well written and touching short story. Moreover, I would say that this...