Nature park Hutovo blato (part 1) / Park prirode Hutovo blato (prvi dio)
In my last two posts, I talked about some current issues with the textile/fashion industry. In one of my posts, I mentioned how many feel that a good way to support ethical fashion is to make your own stuff (clothes/jewelry etc). Why, I rather like that idea! So, I present to you this DIY necklace. I made it almost ten years ago but it still looks brand new. The majority of material I used is recycled stuff (such as the plastic flower for example) and I think this is a good example how something doesn't have the be expensive to look good (the other materials I used include fimo, wood beads and wire). U svoje zadnje dvije objave, pričala sam o nekim trenutačnim problemima u tekstilnoj i modnoj industriji. U jednoj od objava, spomenula sam kako puno ljudi smatra da je dobar način za poduprijeti etičnu modu pravljenje vlastitih odjevnih komada, nakita i sl. Naravno da se meni ta ideja sviđa. Predstavljam vam ovu ogrlicu koju sam sama napravila prije deset godina, a još uvi...