Fashion Illustrations of the day: Rihanna for British Vogue + Making of a Fashion Illustration

Today I'm back with another fashion illustration of mine. I'm sure that for fashion lovers the image of Rihanna gracing the cover of September British British Vogue is nothing new. You've probably all seen it by now. But you haven't seen my drawing of this cover (or maybe you did in my stories?). I think this was the first time I've ever illustrated a fashion cover. What did you think about the cover, btw? I obviously liked it, since I drew it and all. I do like this dramatic and theatrical make up look. Not something for every day, but perfect for that editorial. It was sure fun drawing this one. I drew this little illustration some time ago (about two weeks ago, I think). As you might have noticed, I've been a bit absent from the blogging world. Thank you for all of your kind messages. These past two weeks were a real challenge for me, but let's hope it all works out well so that I might return to blogging again. For people suffering from i...