Hello, there! In this post, I'll share some of my hiking experiences on Malta island. I visited Malta a few years ago, but besides sharing one oil pastel sketch drawing , I haven't blogged about my visit at all. I guess that the time to talk about Malta has finally come. Today is the first of May and that means that as an educator I have a day off. Yes, I don't have to go to work. So, I have some time to put this post together. While I was pondering what to start with, I decided that I should do a Malta series. I might as well since all I wanted to write about definitely won't fit into a single post! What should I open my series on Malta with? Well, I opted for hiking. One of the things I enjoyed most while visiting Malta was hiking. I hiked both alone and with my friend. Today I'll share photographs from a hike we did, exploring Malta's fascinating landscape and cliffs. I was both surprised and delighted to see these cliffs. It's something I would expe...