Of Love and Shadows, Isabel Allende.

You know how I said that I will publish only book recommendations on this blog, reserving book reviews for my other blog? Apparently, having a blog reserved for books isn't enough to fully express my love for literature. Not even close. I suppose it was just a matter of time before another book ended up here...and why not? It is only natural to want to talk about the things we love. I do love literature. Isabel Allende stole my heart long ago. Her hauntigly beautiful novels are always a brave voyage into the female soul as well as high achivements in the genre of magic realism. Today I'm going to write about Of Love And Shadows . What can I say about this novel that hasn't already been said? Of Love and Shadows deserves all the praise it gets, in that I'm certain. I had high expectations of this novel, for I consider Allende to be a remarkably talented writer. I seem to be have been justified in my judgement. I’m happy to say that this novel lived up to both ...