Semptember favourites ( books and illustrations) / Rujanski favoriti ( knjige i ilustracije)

September has been a very active month on this blog. While August was all about fashion illustrations (with a bit of fashion and travel to spice it up), September turned out to be a lively mix of travel, fashion, book and art posts. There was plenty of writing too. Often I was feeling quite philosophical on this little place of my own. Perhaps that means that it is time for this blog to take a new direction, one more focused on the writing. Who can tell for sure? Blogs change with us and they reflect ,in some ways, what is going on in our lives. What is a good blogging month anyway? The feeling we gave it all? I'm not sure what the next month will bring for this blog. I have a lot of prepared posts, but I'm not sure what exactly I will be publishing....and that is actually quite wonderful. That is what I like about the blogging. The element of surprise. Being able to surprise even ourselves. Enough talk for today. Time to sum it up and reflect on October. I've also prep...