DIY painting on clothes+ a casual outfit/ slikanje na odjeći+ ležerna odjevna kombinacija

The pattern on the pair of pants (that I'm presenting today in this casual outfit) was created with a technique that I have written about quite often on this blog, i.e. painting and writing with textile paints. I have used textile colours to decorate various items of clothing (coats, skirts, jeans...just about anything really.) I have even used it to paint racing cars, motorcycles and watches on my little nephew's t-shirts. My little nephew painted one of his t-shirts himself once, he was doing really well before he suddenly decided to make quite a mess...and it seemed to had made him blissfully happy. Kids:)... They show us the true meaning of creativity...never be afraid to try something new, never be afraid you'll ruin something, never hold back your curiosity...every experience is a new lesson...they seem to understand this intuitively, don't they? Uzorak na ovim hlačama koje vam danas pokazujem u ovoj ležernoj kombinaciji je stvoren koristeći tehniku o...