
Showing posts from February 22, 2014

This and that /Ovo i ono

I'm going to start this post with some photographs that I have taken today (on my way to the supermarket). These flowers really made my day. It was raining most of the day but seeing these flowers reminded me that the spring is almost here. I was thinking whether I should edit these photographs or not but didn't cared for how my signature looked on them, somehow it ruined it for me. I decided not to edit them. With editing it's like with make up. Less is often more and if you don't know what you're doing better keep it simple. Početi ću ovaj post sa nekoliko fotografija koje sam uslikala danas (opet šetajući do supermarketa). Behar me stvarno oraspoložio. Kiša je padala je veći dio dana, ali kada sam vidjela behar, odmah mi je bilo lakše. Znam da će skoro proljeće. Razmišljala sam o tome da obradim ove fotografije, ali sam odustala jer mi se nije sviđalo kako izgleda moj potpis nekako mi upropasti sve, a nisam ih nikako ni obrađivala. S obradom fotografija je k...