Hutovo blato revisited (a little place to call my own) / Ponovni posjet Hutovom blatu (moje mjesto pod suncem)
Today's post is, as you can probably guess, a continuation of the last one . The location is the same, we're still in this amazingly beautiful swamp and nature park Hutovo blato located near Capljina, Herzegovina. The outfit is pretty much the same, minus the red blazer. That's the advantage of layering. If it gets warm, you can always take a clothing item (or two) off and when you start feeling chilly, you can put it back on. Besides, layering is the best way to get our creative juices flowing. I really like how this dress looks layered under this off shoulder top. If you look carefully, you will see that this top has an inscription 'a little place to call my own', which refers to my blog. It seems appropriate wearing it at this place, where I feel so at home. Današnja objava je kao što možete pogoditi nastavak prošle. Lokacija je ista, još uvijek smo u ovoj prekrasnoj močvari i parku prirode Hutovo blato, koje se nalazi blizu Čapljine u Hercegovini. Odjevna...