gypsy / ciganka

colourful maxi Gypsy look...What do you need for it? I think that a voluminous maxi skirt (or dress) is a must. This colorful skirt I have had for ages and I love it to wear it. The photos were taken some time ago, but soon I'll show you photos of one amazing place. Ciganski izgled...Što je potrebno? Prvenstveno duga (i široka) suknja (ili haljina. Ovu šarenu suknju imam već godinama i još je volim nositi. Ove fotografije su slikane prije određenog vremena, ali uskoro ću sa vama podijelit slike jednog nevjerovatnog mjesta. Yesterday I had done a lot of sight seeing and I'm tired but happy....I don't have the photographs yet but as soon as I have them, I'll post some. In the meantime I leave you with these photographs taken in Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). It is always amazing how in this city (Mostar) one can feel as if being some magical place , all you need is to come near to amazing Neretva river. Jučer sam puno toga razgledala, ...