DIY vases (part 2)/ uradi sam vaze (nastavak)

A few more photos of my Valentine's day vases and decorations. Još par fotografija vaza i dekoracija za valentinovo. Pa, kako je prošlo Valentinovo? Meni više manje kao i svaki dan. Ja sam ga provela većinom kući, navečer smo imali i goste. Malo sam se zabavila sa dekoracijama, kao što možete i vidjeti.Sjetila sam se kako sam prošle godine bila na izletu, to je bilo baš lijepo. Ove godine nisam bila te sreće, ali možda dogodine... So, how was your Valentine's day? Mine was alright, nothing special. I went to work, came home, prepared lunch...and in the evening we had some guests. I had some fun with the decorations, as you can see. I remember that last year I was outdoors all day, that was really lovely. This year I hadn't been that fortunate, maybe next one... last year Valentine's day outfit last year Valentine's day lunch this year Valentine's day breakfast