
Showing posts from January 23, 2014

fashion illustrations ---modne ilustracije

light orange coat/ (svjetlo narančasti kaput) My dear readers, you might have noticed that I had been quite absent lately. That is just the way it has to be for the time being. I have had a very stressful week that will probably turn into even a more stressful month. Oddly enough, I've been full of creative energy and have painted many paintings. I have even made more then a few necklaces. I'll keep posting my creations, but there is bound to be very little text in my future posts.  Otherwise (Blogwise), nothing will change significantly. Outfit posts will have to bite the dust for the next few months. As for my fellow bloggers, I'll visit as often as I can. Have a lovely weekend everyone! I can't wait for the weekend to start! Dragi čitatelji, možda ste primijetili da sam dosta odsutna u zadnje vrijeme. Tako mora biti neko vrijeme. Imala sam jako naporan tjedan koji će se izgleda pretvoriti u stresni mjesec i tako to. Čudno, unatoč svemu tome puna sam neke k...