Green (outfit post)/ Zelena (odjevna kombinacija)
green dress (moda in), heels (peko), bag (no name), headband (DIY) For today's post, I'll keep it short (yesterday I felt quite inspired to write) It's been a while since I have posted an outfit post, so here is one. This dark green dress with subtle roses print I've bought in Split in moda in a week or so ago. (I would call them a lovely low cost brand but I'm not sure could 'moda in' be called a brand, it's more like a small business. I haven't seen their shops anywhere else but in Split and I think their factory is in Knin. Their prices are really low cost and most of their items costs somewhere within 5-10 euros.) Danas nešto kraći post jer sam se jučer baš raspisala. Već neko vrijeme nisam objavila nijednu odjevnu kombinaciju, pa evo jedne koju sam nosila prije par dana. Ova tamno zelena haljina s suptilnim uzorkom ruža privukla mi je pažnju u moda in dućanu u Splitu, a općenito mi se sviđaju njihove stvari (mislim da...