Fake fur coat/ Kaput od umjetnoga krzna (Kravica)

It was quite cold when these photographs were taken, but I still thoroughly enjoyed my visit to these waterfalls. This outfit is very similar to the last one I posted, the only thing different is this faux fur coat. This coat is usually enough to keep me warm, but since it was really freezing that day, it didn't really do the job. Not its fault, though. I should have layered this look better. Next time I will wear an additional layer of clothing, perhaps a jacket of some kind. Now, I'll just touch briefly on this stunning location. I usually try to keep my posts shorter on the weekend. Bilo je poprilično hladno kada su ove fotografije uslikane, ali sam svejedno jako uživala u posjetu ovim slapovima. Odjevna kombinacija je jako slična zadnjoj koju sam objavila, jedina razlika je ovaj kaput od umjetnoga krzna. Obično je više nego dovoljan da mi bude toplo, ali pošto je toga dana bilo baš hladno, nije se baš iskazao. Nije negova krivica, ja sam se trebala sjetiti dodati još...