I'm back with another post from Malta! In this post, I'll share more hiking tales from the stunningly gorgeous island Malta. In case you missed my first post about Malta, I'll leave the link below: VISIT MALTA WITH IVANA- HIKING TALES- THE CLIFFS (PART ONE) I spent a lot of my time on Malta just hiking! No wonder I loved my stay there so much. How lucky was I! Not only did I get to visit this utterly gorgeous island, I also got to hike it for hours. Moreover, during my hikes, I felt like I was able to connect with Malta on a deeper level by exploring it with calm and patience. As I said, I visited a friend on Malta, so I stayed with her. At that time, she was renting a rather lovely home from an old granny. It wasn't a touristy place, and it was about thirty minutes bus drive from Valetta. While she was at work, I would typically hike around. Every day I hiked a bit further apart. It was great fun getting to know Malta better this way. Hiking and exploring ...