Why we should always listen to doctors and medical professionals? Health update + a fashion illustration of the day/ Zašto trebamo uvijek slušati doktore i medicinsko osoblje? Zdravlje + modna ilustracija dana

In this post, I'll share a light fashion illustration, but I'd talk about more serious and even somewhat painful topics. I've been suffering from Chron's disease for about two decades now. This post in particular will talk about my post operation journey. MY FIRST CHRON OPERATION AND MY WEIGHT GAIN AFTER THE OPERATION: MOJA PRVA OPERACIJA KRONA I DOBITAK KILOGRAMA NAKON OPERACIJE : I have had my first Chron operation about a month and half ago. Prior to that (this Summer and Autumn to be more precise), I struggled with weight loss and high fever that lasted for months, as well as other symptoms of Chron disease. Recently, I was able to gain some weight back (4 pounds) and naturally people are curious about it. How did I manage to gain the weight back? Well, I did it by following advice from my doctors. This is something I believe in. We should be grateful to doctors and medical professionals that care of us. Furthermore, we should follow their advice- they kno...