What makes today's outfit proposal so fun is that it features many of my summer style essentials. As far as temperatures are concerned, summer has definitely arrived to Mostar and that means it's time to think about my summer style essentials. I've already started wearing summer outfits. This stripes on stripes look I'm sharing with you today is a good example of my typical summer styling. At every change of season, I think it makes sense to take some time to consider what we will be wearing in the next few months. You know, it really doesn't hurt to take a few minutes to think about what we want and need. This might save us time in the future (and we all seem to crave more free time in summer). Summer themed social media posts are everywhere and I love it! However, while it certainly doesn't hurt to look for inspiration in figuring out what our summer style should look like, it is also important to consider our habits and personal style. If you're t...