What to wear in Summer? Sometimes simplicity is the beast answer. / Što nositi ljeti? Ponekad je jednostavnost najbolje rješenje.
Maxi skirt in the Summer? How predictable! Well, sometimes basic items can feel pretty darn good. Printed tshirt and a maxi suknja paired with sandals, it doesn't get more basic than that. Simple outfit that almost feels like a casual uniform. I wore this outfit when I went to hear a Cambridge choir perform in our local church in Mostar. They sang beautifully. Now, I'm in Split, suffering from insomnia and feling mighty tired. I'm trying to tell myself that the Summer has only started (afterall I only spent 3 hours on the beach in total ) but I know it is not so. It is not you Summer, it's me. Duga suknja ljeti? Kako predvidljivo! Ponekad jednostavne stvari mogu biti izvor sreće. Majica s printom i duga suknja nošene s sandalama, to su nekakve osnove osnova. Jednostavna kombinacija koja je gotovo kao ležerna uniforma. Nosila sam ovu kombinaciju kada sam išla slušati izvedbu zbora iz Cambridge u našoj lokalnoj crkvi u Mostaru. Divno su pjevali. Sada sam u Splitu,...