Short hair, don't care (drawing of the day )Kratka kosa, nije me briga...(.crtež dana)

How do you feel about short hair? Do you like it or not? I've always loved short hair, I'm just not sure it looks good on me. Long hair is so much easier to maintain, not to mentioned how pricy those weekly visits to hairdresser can be. If one is wearing a pixie or a really short hairdo, it means visiting your hair stylist at least once in two weeks. If you're thinking about cutting your hair really short, find a good hairdresser because you'll be seeing a lot of her or him. The last time I had really short hair was when I was 13, so that's quite a time ago. I can't say that I've been thinking of cutting my hair short lately (I guess I'm just a long hair kind of girl), but I've been thinking about short hairdos a lot. Some girls really rock that short hair look! Basically, I find short hairdos to be quite inspirational, hence the drawing of the day. A girl with short hair and glasses. I don't draw hairdos often, but I've always loved hai...