Roma--Rome---Rim (photography post)

Thank you for your sweet comments on my last post (and for actually taking the time to always read what I write, as I know we're all short on time nowadays). I really appreciate it! Now, today post is going to be about a city I cannot get out of my head. I was there last March and I still have a lot of photographs that I haven't shared yet they are...xoxo Hvala vam na komenatirama na mome prošlom postu, cjenim što uvijek pročitate što napišem, jer znam da smo danas svi kratki sa vremenom. Današnji post je o vječnom gradu...Rimu...Vječan ili ne, nešto ga ne mogu izbiti iz glave. Bila sam tamo prošlog ožujka i još imam puno fotografija koje nisam podijelila sa vama pa evo ih...