Blog recommondations/ Preporuke blogova

Today as you can guess from the title, I want to recommend some blogs to you( and this time not only fashion blogs.) The photographs that I have "borrowed" for this post belong to the authors of the blogs listed here. Kao što možete vidjeti iz naslova, danas vam želim preporučiti neke blogove, a ovaj put to neće biti samo modni. Fotografije koje sam posudila za ovaj post, vlasništvo su autora navedenih blogova. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides being an amazing cook, Ely is also a very talented writer! I just love her blog! Denisa is a very creative fashion blogger that often does DIY projects. Matea is a great fashion and photography blogger from Croatia. If you follow his blog you will sure see many amazing places (and outfits.) http://digolubovic.blogs...