Inspired by...... Paola Lauretano (fashion illustration)

Hello everyone! Today I'm back with another illustration inspired by a fashion blogger. This time I was inspired by Paola Lauretano from express yourself blog ( check it out here ). Paola's blog is one of those I follow regularly and it is always a fantastic place to look for fashion and travel inspiration. Great blog for sure. If you want to see the outfit that I illustrated, you may follow this link . Who says that winter fashion can't be fun? It sure can be, as Paola demonstrates here. If you ask me, yellow is a great choice in winter. Let's us create our own sun. Now, about this illustration. The medium is watercolour on paper. It was a very fun outfit to illustrate and I'm satisfied with how it turned out. Painting fur is a challenge but I'm getting the hang of it. Zdravo svima! Danas se vraćam s još jednom ilustracijom nadahnutom modnom blogericom. Ovoga puta bila sam nadahnuta Paolom Lauretano s bloga express yourself (možete ga pogledati ovdje )....