Inspired by....Nadahnuta s.....

Time for another Inspired by....feature. This is my monthly feature where I post my illustrations of fashion bloggers. Usually I paint them with watercolours, but this time I used just coloured pencils. If you happen to follow my instagram profile ( here ), you've already had the chance of seeing these two illustrations. In fact, I took these photos from my insta profile because I don't have my camera with me, so exuse the bad quality. Anyway, here they are. Check out the fabulous bloggers who inspired them here and here . p.s. It will take me a while to answer all your comments because I've had a lot of health problems lately and I'm really exhausted. My posts will probably be few and far between during this Summer. Vrijeme je za još jednu Nadahnuta s. ..rubriku u kojoj svakoga mjeseca objavljujem svoje ilustracije modnih blogera. Obično ih slikam vodenim bojicama, ali ovaj put sam koristila obojane olovke. Pratite li moj instagram profil ( ovdje ), v...