Fashion illustration of the day (Flares) / Modna ilustracija dana (Zvone)...21.11.2016

You already had the chance to see this fashion illustration on my Instagram profile here . This morning I decided to add some finishing touches with a marker. After outlining the jacket on the illustration with a purple maker, I used brush and water to soften the lines a little so that it would match the medium, that is watercolour. I even prepared a little YouTube video to show you how I have done it. Do you prefer the original watercolour illustration or the new one? Let me know in your comments.Now, about the illustration itself. I've always been a big fan of flares, even since I was a teenager and I'm pretty sure they will always be my number one choice. What can I say? I just love everything about them. Već ste imali priliku vidjeti ovu modnu ilustraciju na mom instagram profilu ovdje . Jutros sam odlučila još je malo doraditi markerom. Nakon što sam ocrtala crte na jakni na ilustraciji s ljubičastim markerom, koristila sam kist i vodu da malo omekšam...