Book recommendation / Preporuka knjige......Morrisson Toni, Jazz.
' They laughed too, even Rose Dear shook her head and smiled, and suddently the world was right side up. Violet learned what she had forgotten until this moment: that laugher is serious. More serious, more complicated than tears.' Toni Morrison, Jazz " Oni su se i smijali, čak je i Rose Dear odmahnula glavom i nasmijala se te odjednom svijet je opet bio okrenut na pravu stanu. Violet je shvatila što je zaboravila do tog trenutka: da je smijeh ozbiljan. Puno ozbiljniji, puno kompliciraniji od suza." Toni Morrisson, Jazz Today I'm sharing a book recommendation with you. It wasn't easy to select a quote to open this post with because there are so many memorable passages in this novel, but I think the one I choose works well enough. I posted about Jazz a few weeks ago on my instagram account. It is my third novel by Toni Morrison. Prior to Jazz, I had read Beloved and Paradise . In many ways, it reminded me of the latter. Even the author he...