
Showing posts from June 22, 2015

etno selo (drugi dio) / ethno village (part 2)

Today I'll show you different ways to wear a scarf. If you always wanted to know how to style a semi turban (i.e. tie a scarf as a semi turban) you've come to the right place.  Danas ću vam pokazati različite načine za nositi rubac (maramu). Ako ste uvijek htjeli znati kako vezati rubac (maramu) kao polu turban, došli ste na pravo mjesto . step 1. take a scarf korak 1. uzmite rubac/maramu first I'll show you the usual way to tie a scarf prvo uobičajen način za vezanje rubca/ marame around the head and tucked in /oko glave, krajevi uvučeni Now I'll explain the semi turban method/ sada objašnjavam kako vezati maramu u polu turban semi turban - meet both ends at your forehead, cross them one around the other  and then tied them in the back - that's all there is to it/ polu turban- oba kraja dovedite do čela, unakrstite i zavežite je sve. I repeat: semi turban - meet both ends of the scarf at your forehead, cro...

etno selo (prvi dio)/ ethno village (prvi dio)

As promised, today I'm taking you to my favourite ethno village in Herzegovina. I visited it many times (and took all of you on a virtual tour each and every time) and I'll surely be their first guest once the village is finally completed. I'm not sure when that will be because it has been under construction for years, but  I'm sure it will look fantastic once it is finally completed. Sometimes the wait is worth it...we'll see. The outfit is the same as in the last post, but you can see the necklace better as there are some close ups. In addition, I got tired of carrying this lovely vintage bag in my hand so I found another way to use this scarf. In my next post, I will show you a few other ways to wear a scarf..... Kao što sam obećala, danas vas vodim u svoje omiljeno etno selo u Herzegovini. Puno sam ga puta posjetila ( i vas sam uvijek vodila sa mnom) i sigurno ću biti njihov prvi gost kada bude gotovo. Nisam sigurna kada će to biti jer se već godinama g...