etno selo (drugi dio) / ethno village (part 2)
Today I'll show you different ways to wear a scarf. If you always wanted to know how to style a semi turban (i.e. tie a scarf as a semi turban) you've come to the right place. Danas ću vam pokazati različite načine za nositi rubac (maramu). Ako ste uvijek htjeli znati kako vezati rubac (maramu) kao polu turban, došli ste na pravo mjesto . step 1. take a scarf korak 1. uzmite rubac/maramu first I'll show you the usual way to tie a scarf prvo uobičajen način za vezanje rubca/ marame around the head and tucked in /oko glave, krajevi uvučeni Now I'll explain the semi turban method/ sada objašnjavam kako vezati maramu u polu turban semi turban - meet both ends at your forehead, cross them one around the other and then tied them in the back - that's all there is to it/ polu turban- oba kraja dovedite do čela, unakrstite i zavežite je sve. I repeat: semi turban - meet both ends of the scarf at your forehead, cro...