Fashion illustration of the day- Inspired By Spring (hairstyle/ swimsuit/ colours)

I don't do hairstyle illustration that often, but hairdos are definitely an important part of my fashion illustrations. When I draw fashion illustration, I do pay attention to hair. Often it is something I will try to coordinate with an outfit I'm illustrating. Typically, I will pay attention not just to the hairstyle, but to hair colour as well. Some fashion illustrators (be they hobby or professional illustrators) draw only clothes, some (like myself) like to focus on every possible details. I'm a hobby illustrator, but I do put in a lot of effort and time into my fashion illustrations. I like to consider everything. It is quite possible that I will take up hairstyle illustrating as well. It wouldn't be surprisingly since hairstyles are something I enjoy drawing. Today my hairstyle preposition is one for short hair. I have long hair, but I love short hair hairdos. HAIRSTYLE ILLUSTRATIONS Where to look for inspiration? I don't need to look far. I'm...