Inspired by post/ Nadahnuta s objava....(Ivana Marković)

It's time for my favourite feature on this blog. This will be my last Inspired by post this month. My hand is not healing well, so I won't be doing any drawing/painting any time soon. It's been two weeks since my art related hand injury and my hand still hurts. Who knew drawing was so dangerous? Anyhow, I painted this one with acrylic paints, the medium is acrylics on cardboard. I planned to apply another layer of paint, but I had to leave it as it is because my hand is in no state for painting. I do love this outfit I illustrated. It is so feminine, isn't it? The girl I illustrated is a dear fellow blogger Ivana from blog bambolai . Check her outfit here to see the inspiration behind this painting. Vrijeme je za moju najdražu rubriku na ovom blogu objavu ovoga mjeseca, a ova će biti zadnja Nadahnuta s ovoga mjeseca. Ruka mi se ne oporavlja dobro, tako da se neću baviti crtanjem/slikanjem još neko vrijemo. Prošla su dva tjedna...