Hello there! You know I live for that 'be a tourist in your own city' concept. I was an advocate of local travel long before the pandemic changed the way people travel (see this post from 2015 to see what I mean). Today I'll show you some pretty areas in Mostar city. In fact, you could say that we'll stroll around the city together. Sure, I blogged about these places before, but one more time won't hurt because Mostar truly is a stunning city. If nothing else, river Neretva is enough to take one's breath away. Since I'm currently based in this town, it makes sense to to explore it. Moreover, I'll share four outfits I wore for exploring Mostar city. April has proven to be surprisingly cold, so I switched my blazers for winter coats, ski (!!!) and leather jackets. The last one could be my favourite outfit of this month so far. What is your favourite styling? OUTFIT #1- SKI PROJECT JACKET PAIRED WITH HIGH BOOTS , A TARTAN JAC...