Modna ilustracija: nadahnuta plavom /Fashion illustration: inspired by blue

It's time again for some of mine fashion illustrations. This time I was inspired by one particular colour: blue. Isn't it interesting that in English language this colour stands for sadness? Why do you think it is so? I'll keep this post short but just to let you know... I'm preparing some DIY posts for you, hope you'll like them. Evo nekih mojih modnih ilustracija, a ovaj put je nadahnuće bila plava boja. Zar nije zanimljivo to što u engleskom jeziku baš ova boja označava tugu? Zašto je tome tako, što mislite? Usput pripremam neke postove o stvarima koje možete izraditi sami, nadam se da će vam se svidjeti.