How to make jewelry out of old cookies?/ Kako napraviti nakit od starih kolača?

step no.1: paint the cookies with a paint of your choice (I've used acrylic colours and nail polish ) /obojite kolačiće, ja sam koristila akrilne boje i lak za nokte I don't need to mention you have to let them dry, do I? ...and the fact they must be hard cookies?/ Ne moram spominjati da ih treba ostaviti da se osuše, zar ne? kao i činjenicu da ovo mora biti tvrda vrsta kolača? Step number 3- Having pierced the cookie with a needle, you should put a thread through it and improvise a necklace. You can make it from the thread or use a satin cord, or use a combination of the two (as I have). Let your imagination run wild. I've included plenty of photos of necklaces that I have been making lately to give you some inspiration. I'm thinking about making another post about this eco-friendly technique of making jewelry that I have just came up with....we'll see. As always, thank you for reading. Korak broj tri....dakle, kada ste probušili kolač, stavite kona...