Nefertiti, Michelle Moran (book review+ my illustration / ogled knjige i moja ilustracija)

I'm getting used to painting on book pages. It is a fun thing to do and it allows me to combine two things I love: reading and painting. The book I used for illustrating this time is Nefertiti by Michelle Moran. Today I will just do this one quick book review. As I said, I'm keeping longer reviews for my other blog. It's been a while since I read Nefertiti by Michelle Moran, so recently I decided to reread it. I ended up giving up because I concluded that the book isn't worth a reread. It isn't terrible, but it isn't very good either. Lately I haven't had much luck with the historical fiction genre. Navikavam se na slikanje na stranicama knjiga. Zabavno je, a osim toga mi omogućuje da kombiniram dvije stvari koje volim: čitanje i slikanje. Knjiga koju sam koristila za ilustriranje ovaj put je Nefertiti Michelle Moran. Danas samo jedan brzi ogled knjige jer kao što sam rekla ti duži ogledi se bolje uklapaju u drugi blog. Prošlo je dugo vremena od k...