Zoran Aragović: let there be colour! / Zoran Aragović: neka budu boje!
* from fashion show sponzored by DM * dress that was designed for the winner of a contest organized by a fashion site www.budin.com *from collection " Strip& Stripe" *from collection " Strip& Stripe" *from collection " Strip& Stripe" Croatian designer Zoran Aragović was born in 1981, graduated fashion in Zagreb. He has had fashion shows in numerous European towns. His designs, at least how I see it, are characterized by explosion of colours. He creates under the label " Bite my style". Hrvatski kreator, Zoran Aragović, rođen 1981, diplomirao modu u Zagrebu. Imao je modne revije u brojnim europskim gradovima. Njegove kreacije, barem koliko ja vidim, karakterizira eksplozija boja. Stvara pod etiketom " Bite my style." Currently, there is a giveaway organized by budi in. You can win one of his creations here: http://www.budi.in/moda-stil/osvojite-dizajnerski-kaftan-zorana-aragovica-2824 Možete osvojiti je...