
Showing posts from December 10, 2014

Split in details (photography) / Split u detaljima (fotografija)

    I did come back from Split yesterday, but that is not when these photographs were taken. I haven't seen much of Split this time because I had twisted my ankle prior to my arrival ( I woke up with a twisted ankle last Saturday, not the first time that happened either...supposedly this kind of harmless but annoying injury tends to repeat itself). It seems appropriate to publish these photographs now, so that at least I can a virtual tour of my city. Nevertheless, I was on a quite a trip today (and no it wasn't one chemically induced). Today I had taken a real tour of the hills surrounding Mostar, with the help of one faithful old car and the best driver in the world... instead of walking I was mostly hopping around on one leg (because of my ankle situation) but it was great fun and I plan to share those photographs tomorrow. Vratila sam se iz Splita jučer, ali nisu tada ove fotografije uslikane. Nisam baš vidjela išta od Spli...