Inspired by Tijana / Nadahnuta s Tijanom....

Time for another Inspired by .... feature. So, recently I illustrated Tijana from blog fashionabejita . The medium I have chosen is watercolour on paper. It feels nice to be doing aquarelle art again, but to be honest at the moment I'm enjoying drawing just as much. Yesterday, I've done a few colour pencil drawings. So, it is mostly pencils drawings and watercolours these days. Sometimes I even combine the two because mixed media is always fun. Right now, I'm really missing working with oil paints, but well there are only 24 hours in a day. Probably it will be a while until I take up oil painting again. I don't really have a favourite medium, I always felt comfortable working with different techniques. Anyhow, this painting was inspired by this post . It is a wonderful post, do check it out. Vrijeme za još jednu Nadahnuta s...rubriku. Ilustrirala sam, nedavno, Tijanu s bloga fashionabejita . Medij su vodene bojice na papiru. Lijepo je opet raditi akvarele, ali d...