DIY (Fimo)---Uradi sam (Fimo)

Time for some DIY projects...and this time it will be stuff made out of Fimo (well, using it I make jewelry mostly but you can also make other things). Fimo is a German brand of polymer clay (I cannot compare it to other brands because this is the only one I tried). Here is a random selection of my works: a headpiece, a pair of earrings and a necklace. I must confess that the first two were made a long time ago , but at least I can say that these items have stood the test of time. The last one (the necklace) I've made recently and lost it somewhere. Hopefully (and probably) it will pop out again in one of my sudden home redecorating attempts. * The belt some of you have commented on in the last post was also a DIY but since it has nothing to do with polymer clay it will have to wait some other time. Malo mojih radova od polimerne gline (ili ti ga fima). Ovdje je nekakav slučajan odabir radova : ukras za kosu, par naušnica i ogrlica. Fimom se koristi dosta ljudi, to je nje...