Creating a flower fantasy with the help of rose pedals (Fashion illustration of the day)

Two days ago (in this post ), I told you how I'm still creating floral collages, so here I am with my flower fantasy design of the day. Playing with rose pedals is always fun, isn't it? On another note, the book I'm currently reading is Absalom, Absalom by William Faulker. I'm taking my sweet time with this one. I was planning to read it by the end of 2017, but it is such a complex novel that I feel it demands my full attention. I often read several books at once, but this time I made an exception. As long as I'm on the subject, I would also like to suggest Light In August and The Sound And The Fury by the same author. Both of those novels are very dear to me. I haven't set any reading goals for this year yet, but I do plan to read more classics. In addition, I would like to do one month in which I would only read only non-fiction books. I think that would be very interesting. Do you have any reading goals for this year? How do you like this illustration? ...