Let's Talk Hair! I'm Sharing My Hair Routine With You. How Do You Take Care Of Your Hair?

My last visit to a hair saloon was bittersweet. Sweet because I'm happy that I have finally found a new hair stylist and bitter because my new hair stylist informed me that my hair is so damaged that it looks like it was bleached. I was a bit shocked because I thought my hair looked rather nice and anyway it's a feature I've always been complemented on. When I told her that I have never ever bleached my hair (I only dye it occasionally, maybe once or twice a year) she said my hair condition must be a result of certain health problems. I didn't really feel into going into detail right then and there, talking about my operations and all that, so instead of giving her my recent medical history, I just admitted to being severely anaemic. You know, she was quite accurate in her assumptions. That made me realize not only how important hair care is, but how much hair can be a reflection of our health. I've never though as hair as something affected by our health probl...